Common causes for Hip pain and Replacement Surgery


In a total hip replacement (also referred to as total hip arthroplasty), the broken bone and gristle is removed and replaced with prosthetic parts.

The broken limb head is removed and replaced with a metal stem that's placed into the hollow center of the thighbone. The limb stem could also be either cemented or "press fit" into the bone.

A metal or ceramic ball is placed on the higher a part of the stem. This ball replaces the broken limb head that was removed.

The broken gristle surface of the socket (acetabulum) is removed and replaced with a metal socket. Screws or cement area unit typically accustomed hold the socket in situ.

A plastic, ceramic, or metal spacer is inserted between the new ball and also the socket to permit for a swish flying surface.

Common Causes of Hip Pain

The most common reason for chronic hip pain and incapacity is inflammatory disease. arthritis, arthritis, and traumatic unwellness} area unit the foremost common kinds of this disease.

Osteoarthritis this is often Associate in Nursing age-related wear and tear variety of inflammatory disease. it always happens in folks fifty years elderly and older and sometimes in people with a case history of inflammatory disease. The gristle padding the bones of the hip wears away. The bones then rub against one another, inflicting hip pain and stiffness arthritis might also be