Reflux & Gastric surgey


Reflux surgery

The laparoscopic method has emerged as the preferred surgical strategy for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease. In comparison to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of GERD resulted in a shorter hospital stay, a quicker recovery, a quicker return to normal activity and a considerable decrease in perioperative morbidity. Patients who underwent laparoscopy reported a higher quality of life than those who underwent other medical procedures such using a proton-pump inhibitor medicine alone. Laparoscopy has been demonstrated to more effectively address symptoms, such as reducing heartburn and regurgitation 

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Gastric surgey

A difficult operation is laparoscopic stomach surgery. The stage of the gastric tumour (early vs advanced), whether a partial or total gastrectomy was performed and the presence of gastrointestinal stromal tumours all affect how the operation turns out. With reduced blood loss, a shorter hospital stay, quicker bowel healing (shorter time to first flatus) and fewer significant perioperative complications, laparoscopic resections have a superior overall short-term result. The average length of the surgery, though, was lengthier. Infections at the surgery site and complications from wounds were less severe in the laparoscopic group. There was no difference between open surgery and laparoscopic surgery for severe postoperative problems such anastomotic leakage, stenosis, haemorrhage and postoperative ileus